Thursday, 25 February 2016

How did my 7 month-old son recover from Eczema? - with the help of Oxyginberry!!

Eczema seems to be very common these days among children. During the days when I attended school, I would always feel sad for any classmates who had eczema since it really looked uncomfortable.  

As neither I nor my hubby had a history of eczema, naturally I expected my son to be eczema-free. Never did it expect to have to face the reality of the discomfort on my son when it hit. =(

What a heartache! :(..

This what how it looked like on 4th June 2015 when I first had the opportunity to snap a picture. 

I had brought him to the paediatric specialist 1 month ago, and he was prescribed a steroid cream and I was advised to change his bath wash and apply lotion for him. The specialist mentioned that if his condition didn't improve, I would need to bring him back for a prescription of a stronger steroid cream. 

I was apprehensive about the steroid cream and indeed, my baby's skin looked even more translucent after just 2-3 days of thin application. It looked like any light scratch would create an open wound. Hence, I stopped applying the cream after 3 days. 

At this point on 4th June, I decided that I would give nutritional immunology a shot at helping my son recover from this skin condition. 

Nutritional Immunology returned my son his healthy skin!

Around 3 weeks later on 21st June, I took another picture of his condition and it was indeed much better to my delight! Although not all the rash had disappeared, it had cleared up at least 90%!!

So what actions did I take with the knowledge from nutritional immunology?

1) Every morning, I would feed my son Oxyginberry mixed into his Nutrifresh. With the additional antioxidants and phytochemicals, his immune system would get nourished and the overactivity would be calmed down.

2) I would apply for him the Elemente Baby Lotion. Infused with oxyginberry complex, the antioxidants and phytochemicals can be delivered directly to his skin. 
Also, it had such a great smell and was not sticky at all after application. He liked it so much that he would crawl over for me to apply the lotion on him!

My son has fully recovered in just 2 months. This video was taken on 29th July with no sign of eczema at all.  It is heart warming to see him well and able to enjoy himself again. I am thankful for the science of nutritional immunology that has helped my son to recover. 


+65 84998618

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Thursday, 18 February 2016

Does High Blood Pressure Medication Prevent Stroke?

17.5 million people die each year from cardiovascular diseases worldwide. Out of this 17.5 million people, a very large percentage of 80% die from heart attacks or strokes (WHO 2016)

In Singapore, the statistics aren't that optimistic either. Between ages 30 to 69, slightly less than 1 in 4 Singapore residents have hypertension. However, between 60 to 69, the statistics increases to more than 1 in 2 who have hypertension (HPB Singapore, 2016).

Commonly, drugs or medicines are used to keep blood pressure in a healthy range for hypertension patients. With the lowered blood pressure, we would expect that it brings about a correspondingly lower risk of heart attack or strokes, isn't it?

It seems the truth is far from what we would like it to be. In this study by the University of Alabama in Brimingham, it shows otherwise. The headline says "Blood pressure medications can lead to increased risk of stroke".

"Compared to people with systolic blood pressure below 120 mmHg without treatment, hypertensive individuals on three or more blood pressure medications had a stroke risk of 2.5 times higher."

"You're in as much trouble by the time you are on three medications that achieve excellent control as you are when you have hypertension and it is untreated, which is amazing,"

"The way to curb the problem, Howard says, is to prevent hypertension in the first place. There are a number of proven approaches to prevent or greatly delay the development of hypertension including: 

1) taking part in moderate physical activity
2) keeping weight in normal ranges
3) reducing salt intake
4) eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and reduced in saturated and total fat."
Nutritional Immunology's recommendation is in accordance with what this study has found. It is more important to prevent diseases by keeping our immune system optimized. 

Nutritional Immunology also provides the knowledge base for selection of wholesome plant superfoods to nourish our immune system.

+65 84998618

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University of Alabama at Birmingham. "Blood pressure medications can lead to increased risk of stroke." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 May 2015. <>.

How are Super-foods selected in Nutritional Immunology?

Super-foods undergo a stringent selection process to ensure that an optimum quality and quantity of antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides are retained.

There are several factors which are considered.

1) Species of Plant

Besides selecting type plant super-foods which are good, Nutritional Immunology studies which species is particularly nutritious. Although the same type of plant super-food may have similar characteristics, different species will contain different set of nutrients. In fact, in some plants, there may be species which aren't edible, or species which have outstanding nutritional value.

For example, in the mushroom family, Coriolus Versicolor and Agaricus Blazel Murill (ABM) are extremely beneficial to health. However, Amanita mushrooms can kill when eaten.

2) Parts of Plant

Different parts of plants would have different nutrient compositions. Nutritional Immunology also selects parts of the plant for superior nutritional value.

For example, in a grape vine, only the seeds contain OPC, a super antioxidant which is good for our eyes and heart. 

Recent research also shows that Ginseng Berries contain 4 times more immuno-boosting ginsenosides than the root. 

3) Harvesting Methods

With good understanding of the plant growth process, the right method employed in harvesting is also important to yield the best level of nutrients.

For example, bananas are best harvested when ripe on the tree for maximum nutrients. If harvested when green, its nutritional value is approximately halved. Rice, barley and mushrooms typically contain most nutrients when they're tender.

4) Processing Techniques

Only processing techniques that can retain the nutrients without use of any preservatives and chemicals are used in process of Nutritional Immunology foods from Extra Excellence. Different processing methods are used for different super-foods depending on their ability to withstand temperatures without destroying nutrients.

For example, if soy beans are heated above 70 deg C, a large part of their very beneficial nutrients would have been destroyed.

Some examples of such processing methods would be freeze-drying, spray mist drying, low heat drying and high purification fine filtration.

5) Age

The age of the plant plays a part in how much nutrients there would be. For example, ginseng needs to be at least 6 year old before its roots have any nutritional value. Cactus needs to be more than 10 year old to contain 10,000 different types of phytochemicals.

6) Cultivation

Every plant would have an ideal growing environment and duration. As such, the nutritional value of the same types of plants could be different coming from different countries. 

For example, barley is sourced from Europe vs from China, as the nutritional value of European barley has been found to be higher.

After all the above factors have been taken into consideration, the super-foods included in each blend is also chosen carefully such that they reinforce each other. This forms a Superfood Synergy, giving us the best possible of what nature can provide us!   

Email or whatsapp me your questions to find out more. :)

+65 84998618

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Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Why do I choose Nutritional Immunology for Me and My Family?

Health, without it, many things in life loses its meaning. In Singapore, as well as around the world, a property may be one of the biggest assets anyone would purchase in his/her lifetime. However, every single one of us own an asset which is even bigger and more precious -- that is our health.

For me personally, I believe that health is the most important asset that we were bestowed with when we came upon this earth. However, it is up to us to upkeep and maintain this asset. I choose to upkeep my health using the science of Nutritional Immunology and here is why:

1) Wholesome

I first encountered nutritional immunology foods when I was preparing for my pregnancy. During then, my husband would lovingly tell me that I needed to take more supplements so that I would have enough nutrients in preparation for a baby. 

Preggy me with Hubby in Bali.
Trained as a Chemical Engineer, I was not keen at all on supplements as I understood that most of them are made mainly of chemicals, whether made in the laboratory, or extracted out of natural foods. 

Hence, I would take some supplements like calcium tablets or folic acid tablets just to placate my husband. When he doesn't ask me to take, I wouldn't take it on my own. 

Late stage of pregnancy!
As such, my husband looked around for better alternatives and we chanced upon nutritional immunology foods from Extra Excellence. 

As it is made from wholesome plant superfoods using processes that didn't require any preservatives (ie. freeze-drying, spray drying), it was a better alternative to me, knowing that I am not just swallowing a bunch of chemicals. 

At this point in time, I had not understood what Nutritional Immunology was all about yet and did not internalize the importance of prevention of diseases. After giving birth to my precious baby boy, I consequently stopped taking my nutritional immunology foods as well.

The very first time he peered at me. :)

2) Effective

After my 4 month of maternity leave ended, I returned to work. It was then that my nightmare started. I started falling sick so frequently that I was out of office on medical leave almost 3-4 days every alternate week. That caused a great deal of interruption on my work schedule.

I was stuck in bed most days when sick. :(

As if that was not bad enough, because I was sick, my other family members started catching the viruses as well. The viruses were playing merry-go-round in our household. Even my 4 month-old boy caught it was well. It was so heart wrenching watching him struggle with the phlegm in his respiratory system.

To top it off, I was faced with the dilemma of whether to take medications or not. I was still breastfeeding my boy at this point in time. Hence, I was worried whether the medication would have an impact on my breastmilk supply, or even whether the medication would affect my baby if passed down in the milk. It was really frustrating!

To eat or not to eat? -_-"

At this juncture, I stopped and asked myself what had gone wrong? Through my 9 months of pregnancy, I had not even gotten one bout of flu despite people around me falling sick. Pregnant ladies are supposed to have weaker immune systems in fact!

This was when I decided to start once again on Oxyginberry. After a month or two, I noticed that I did not fall sick that frequently. Even when I caught a bug, it would be cleared up in just 1 day. I was surprised at its effectiveness, as previously I had taken Vitamin C or other supplements which never had such an effect.

I got more curious as to how it worked and decided to understand more, especially in the area of safety.

3) Safety

In my undergraduate Chemical Engineering training, we are taught that all chemicals have a potential to large quantities, a short exposure would see the effect. However, in small quantities, exposure over a long period of time would also result in chronic issues. As such, one important factor for me to understand more was in the area of safety.

The extent to which Extra Excellence go to ensure the safety of their food products is impressive. Very extensive testing was completed on each batch of products to ensure they were free of more than 2000 contaminants. The details of what type of test are done can be found here.

Without the reassurance from these high stringent standards, I would not even venture to feed my baby boy any of the products from Extra Excellence. Today, I can benefit from the convenience without any worries.

Many other of my family members have regained their health with Nutritional Immunology foods as well. 

My 7 month old son managed to recover from his eczema in 1 month. Find out more here.

I will share some other of their stories in time to come. 

I count my blessings to have found nutritional immunology foods and am glad to have been a blessing to family and friends who may need this health solution for their lives. 

Email or whatsapp me to find out how you can benefit from this science too!

+65 84998618

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Nutriact - Synergy of Mushrooms, High in Polysaccharides

What are polysaccharides and how do they help our immune system?

Where can we find polysaccharides in wholesome plant superfoods?

Formulated with the principles of Nutritional Immunology, ensuring the optimum amount and combination of polysaccharides from the different mushroom types, Nutriact provides an immune system boost in a convenient form, intact with a safety guarantee.

Whenever there are viruses hanging around the household, or at school, I will choose Nutriact to build my 1 year old son's immune system's resistance! 

+65 84998618

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